Don't Fear AI by Duncan Wardle
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Don’t Fear AI


Well before ChatGPT gained widespread recognition and became a well-known entity, I shared the stage with Nicholas Thompson, then editor-in-chief of Wired. During his presentation, Thompson stated that he believes AI will replace 20% of all occupations by 2030. At the time, this declaration seemed outlandish. How could a robot replace 1 in 5 workers? But today, this outcome is far from fiction. Just look at IBM, which recently announced that it expects 30% of its non-customer-facing workforce to be displaced by AI over the next five years.

The future is here, and for the first time in history, it’s highly skilled labour at risk of losing jobs to robots. But even with the uncertainty it brings, I do not believe AI should be treated as our enemy. In fact, just the opposite.

Workers should embrace AI because it’ll take over the tedious, repetitive parts of our jobs, freeing us up to leverage the skills that make us uniquely human: creativity, intuition, empathy, and imagination.

To learn why capitalising on these human traits is essential to work in harmony with AI, read the entire article I wrote for Speakers Academy here.

Photo Credit: Speakers Academy.

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