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To Make Your Pitches More Engaging, Appeal to Multiple Learning Styles


When idea pitches fail to resonate, it doesn’t always have to do with the merit of the idea, your presentation style, or charisma; the problem could stem from a deeper disengagement in your organization.

To make pitches more appealing and increase the chances of ideas resonating, the author recommends engaging three main learning styles that may be in your audience: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Drawing from his experience at Disney, the author uses examples of successful presentations in each style and gives tips on engaging each.

For visual learners, use images, charts, and visual aids; for auditory learners, employ compelling narratives, varied tones, and relevant sounds; and for kinesthetic learners, include hands-on elements and physical activities.

To discover the rest, read the full article on Harvard Business Review.

Photo Credit: John Lund / Getty Images / HBR

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